George Gibbs Center for Economic Prosperity

The Buzz 9/29/16: Reform Movemen⁠t⁠ Grows

By: The James Madison Institute / 2016

For the past few years, Inweekly has advocated for criminal justice reform. A recent poll released by The James Madison Institute and the Charles Koch Institute shows that Floridians overwhelmingly support criminal justice reform.

“For the past few years as we’ve worked in the criminal justice arena, we have experienced firsthand the changing debate on these issues. The poll solidified what we’ve come to know—Floridians want criminal justice reform,” said Sal Nuzzo, vice president of policy at the James Madison Institute.

The poll results show that Floridians are dissatisfied with the status quo. The vast majority ofFloridians, 72 percent, agree that it is important to reform Florida’s criminal justice system, and 75 percent agree that the prison population is costing too much money. Almost two-thirds of Floridians believe there are too many nonviolent offenders, especially those with a drug addiction, now filling the state’s prisons.

ACLU of Florida Executive Director Howard Simon was very encouraged about the poll results.

“We are heartened by the poll released by the Charles Koch Institute and James Madison Institute showing support for the reform of Florida’s criminal justice system,” said Simon. “It is further evidence of broad support for reform from across the ideological spectrum.”
