Press Releases

2011–July25 FYI: JMI ⁠t⁠o Hos⁠t⁠ Al Cardenas on Fr⁠i⁠ends of JMI Conference Call

By: The James Madison Institute / 2011

The Institute will host Al Cardenas, Chairman of the American Conservative Union (ACU), for a Friends of JMI Conference Call on Friday, August 5 from 12noon-1pm.ACU is partnering with JMI to co-sponsor CPAC Florida in Orlando on September 23–Mr. Cardenas will discuss what is planned for that day and gives his views on the state of the conservative movement and the outlook for the future. Please bring your questions and comments!If you are interested in participating in this call, please RSVP to Jenny Stone at: or call 850-386-3131.