
2007 W⁠i⁠n⁠t⁠er Journal

By: The James Madison Institute / 2007



Message from the Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall

As we near the 20th anniversary of our founding in 1987, we’re planning to devote some space in our Journal to JMI’s history. We invite readers to share their recollections of the issues, the events, the people….and the battles we fought during our first twn decades.

From The Editor’s Desk

In his January memo to JMI’s members and friends, our President/CEO Bob McClure noted that Florida has new leaders, including a new Governor and 43 new legislators. There is also new leadership in Washington, D.C. This portends new challenges for JMI.

Letters to the Editor

The Journal welcomes feedback from its readers. In this issue, two correspondents express their strong disagreement with certain articles in the Fall 2006 issue.
Here Come the Boomers! Aging’s Impact on Florida – Terri Jo Barron

The Baby Boomers, who radically changed American society for good and/or ill, are beginning to retire in large numbers. The public policy implications for a state such as Florida are enormous 0 and could be quite costly as well.

Perils and Promise in Higher Education – Ed H. Moore and Melanie Hicks

If the United States is to remain competitive in a global economy, its colleges and universities must become more nimble in adapting to the new realities. Florida could benefit from retooling its system of higher education to recognize market forces.

The Legal Status of Florida’s School Voucher Programs – Bryan Sarbia and Chris Sprowls

A year has passed since the activist Florida Supreme Court struck down the Opportunity Scholarship Program, which let children assigned to chronically failing public schools use vouchers to attend other schools. The authors critique the ruling and possible options.

Market Challenges Facing Cities’ Broadband Initiatives – Tanja Clendinen

In the brave new world of broadband services, both the technology and economics are subject to rapid changes, so cities’ efforts to provide broadband access may represent a risky misstep into territory best left to the private-sector marketplace.

Celebrating the Legacy of Milton Friedman (1912-2006) – James Gwartney

One of JMI’s distinguished scholars reflects on the enormous contributions made by Milton Friedman, whose seminal book Free to Choose became the bible of free-market economists worldwide – and of America’s supporters of parental choice in education.

The Incredible Shrinking Newspaper – Jere Moore

An epidemic of employee layoffs and budget cuts at America’s newspapers threatens to change the way people receive the information that they need to make informed decisions about candidates and issues in the political process. Who’s going to mind the store?

History’s Verdicts: Sooner…or Later? – Thomas V. DiBacco

The premature evaluation of our leaders’ place in history is an occupational hazard of historians, who may be forced to eat their words later.

Book Review: Land of Sunshine, State of Dreams – Reviewed by J. Stanley Marshall

University of South Florida historian Gary Mormino’s book offers invaluable historical insights that help us understand the forces that shaped contemporary Florida.

A Presidential Spelling Be[e] – Thomas V. DiBacco

There was chaos in the spelling found in the letters and other documents that our nation’s earliest leaders left behind. One gutsy President set out to do something about it.