
2004 Spr⁠i⁠ng/Summer Journal

By: The James Madison Institute / 2004



Message from the Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall
Cover Story
Express Lanes for Florida – Robert J. Poole, Jr.

Express lanes won’t “solve” congestion – but they will give us meaningful relief.
Why has Florida’s Growth Management Act Been Ineffective? – Randall G. Holcombe

Florida’s growth management policies have been less effective than both the proponents and the opponents of growth management feared. First in a two-part series.

Harris Rosen:A Florida Educational Hero – J. Stanley Marshall

Heroes come in countless sizes and shapes – and Harris Rosen of Orlando is such a hero.

Book Offers New Take on “Quality of Life”: A Review of The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It’s Tranforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life – Matthew Warner

The emphasis in the business recruitment game has shifted to “quality of life” issues – but how can we address “quality of life” issues when it seems that definition is constantly evolving?