Center for Property Rights

1998 Spr⁠i⁠ng/Summer Journal

By: The James Madison Institute / 1998

Message From the Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall
Cover Story
The Florida Bullet Train: Another Point of View
A summary of The James Madison Institute-Wendell Cox special study on the FDOT-FOX high-speed rail proposal. The Institute takes exception to a flawed proposal.
Florida’s State Sovereignty Land Claims – Randall G. Holcombe
Land that would float a canoe in Florida’s rainy season may now be vulnerable to a state government claim of ownership.
A disclosure of a new battle to protect property rights.

A Question of Science – Jack Belcher
An interview with global warming expert Dr. Fred Singer. He disputes the latest scientific evidence on climate change.

The Arrogance of Power – Tom Regnier
A concerned activist exhorts the 1998 Florida Constitution Revision Commissioners in an impassioned speech.

Presidential Care About Child Care – Tait Trussell
An exposure of the fallacies of the current stampede toward nationalized child care.

Book Review: The Triumphs of Joseph – Roger Clegg
A preview of Robert L. Woodson Sr.’s book about community healers and how they are reviving inner city neighborhoods.