Press Releases


By: Logan Padgett / 2020

April 27, 2020

CONTACT: Logan Elizabeth Padgett

Statement from The James Madison Institute on the Re-Open Florida Task Force

Last week, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the creation of the Re-Open Florida Task Force, and we are honored that JMI Board Member Joe York is a part of the Task Force Executive Committee. The road ahead of us all is both challenging, and uncertain. And while we should not expect perfection, we should expect success – because that is who we are. 

We are the state that bounced back faster than anywhere else from the Great Recession. We are the state that welcomed more population and income migration than any other. We built a $1 trillion economy that provided opportunity for all with entrepreneurialism, a strong business climate, and a commitment to one another’s achievement. That was the Florida before Covid-19, and that will be the Florida after Covid-19.

Getting there will inevitably involve time, talent, and tenacity. Time will pass and we will inch closer and closer to our next chapter of the Florida Story. Talent will come in the leadership of our Governor, his administration, and our policymakers from every part of the state. Tenacity will keep us on the course, striving to become better than we were before.

In that light, JMI is pleased to release these Five Principles for Prosperity. We call it a roadmap for the Future of Florida – a north star by which we believe those entrusted with guiding our recovery should filter their decision-making. It is our hope that these five principles are helpful to not only the task force, but to policymakers at the state and local levels as we come together to build a better Florida. 

We thank you for your service to our great state, and look forward to the progress that will ensue.


Click here to read “Five Principles for Prosperity: A Roadmap for Florida’s Future.”